From a conference on "The Intersection of Epistemology and Philosophy of Mind" in Bled, Slovenia from June 1-5, 2015

Paul Horwich and Matjaž Potrč

Anya Farennikova, Dustin Stokes and Jona Vance

Dustin Stokes and Robert Cowan

Will McNeill and Jona Vance

Paul, Anya, and Sarah Wright

Anya on perception and expectation

Igal Kvart

Bob Beddor and Mark Kaplan

Kate Nolfi and Joe Cruz

Christoph Jäger and Nico Silins

Sarah Sawyer and Mikkel Gerken

Rene van Woudenberg and Christoph Jäger

Anya and Patrick

Brent Madison

With Robert Cowan and Jona Vance

Philippe Chuard and Will McNeill

Ralph Wedgwood

Karsten Stueber and Matjaž Potrc

Sarah Wright

Emily McWilliams

Sarah Sawyer and Christoph Jäger

Kate Nolfi, Emily McWilliams, and Zoe Jenkin

Mikkel Gerken

Zoe Jenkin

Emily and Mikkel

Jessie Munton, Zoe and Christoph

Karsten models for Peter Baumann

Karsten, Sarah, Jessie, Christoph and Peter

Rock shot

Jona Vance, Lisa Miracchi and Mary Salvaggio

Sarah Wright and Lisa Miracchi

Mary, Sarah, and Jessie

Group shot

Hear, see, speak no evil...

Touch no evil, smell no evil, listen to no evil?

Assert no evil, let no evil be possible?

Karsten and Christoph

Down the hill

Nico Silins and Jessica Ratcliff

Above Lake Bled


Sarah Wright, Philippe Chuard, Robert Cowan and Robert Howell

Organizers toast: Sarah Wright and Jack Lyons

Kelly Becker and Jona Vance

Darrell Rowbottom

Tim Crane and Dustin Stokes

Ralph and Mark

Jack and Jessie

Patrick and Anya

Lizzie Fricker and Sarah Wright

Joe, Jona and Anya

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