Casey O'Callaghan, Susanna Schellenberg and John Morrison
Derek Brown on indirect perception
Rosa Cao on neural computation
Rosa and Chris
Casey O'Callaghan, Susanna Schellenberg and Andrew Lee
Rosa and David Barack argue neuroscience
Claudia, Umrao Sethi and Peter Epstein
Farid Masrour and Sebastian Watzl
Claudia and Susanna
Eric Mandelbaum and E.J. Green
Crisis management: Ram Neta
Jon Simon and John Morrison
With Farid
Consciousness beers
Panpsychism going cheap
Неdda Мørсh on phenomenal powers
Andrew Lee
Susanna and Chris Hill
E.J. and Claudia
Steven Gross and Jake Quilty-Dunn.
Jake Quilty-Dunn on the perception-cognition distinction
Philosophers eating chili: Kate Pendoley, Zed Adams, Eric Mandelbaum, Andrew Lee
Philosophers eating ice-cream: Umrao Sethi, Kate Pendoley and Jessie Munton
Casey and Неdda
Jake, Eric, E.J., Farid and Rosa
Frankie Egan and Steven Gross
Ram Neta and David Rosenthal
Peter, Derek, Farid and Jonathan Cohen
Gowanus canal
Ian Phillips and Jake Quilty-Dunn
With Jorge Morales and Eric Mandelbaum
Неdda and Sebastian
Andrew and Неdda
E.J. and Zoe Jenkin
Ian and Claudia
Chris Peacocke on logical inference
Ram has a question
Sebastian Watzl on norms of attention
Chris and Sebastian
Brian, Jon and Derek
David and Jonathan
Attempting Derek Brown smiles.
Sebastian and Farid
John and Peter
John and Ram
Simon Brown and Jessie Munton
Jake and Zed
Zoe and Jake
David gets carded
J, J, & J
S & S
Z & Z
With Nico Silins
D train returning over the Manhattan bridge