From a conference on "Understanding Consciousness" held by the Human Brain Project in Barcelona on June 21-22,2018

johan storm introducing the conference

the consciousness family tree seems to involve all-male reproduction

current neurology is doing a little better

kathinka evers on consciousness as an intrinsic brain property

ned block's reductio ad absurdem of HOT.

is the conference an illusion?

taking a stab at the meta-problem

larissa albantakis on IIT

j.p. changeux on global workspace theory

panel discussion with Jean-Pierre Changeux, Larissa Albantakis, Ned Block, Kathinka Evers, and David Chalmers

Larissa Albantakis, David Chalmers and Ned Block

Jean-Pierre Changeux and Johan Frederik Storm

Yaïr Pinto

johan storm's poster on the meta-problem

Claudia Passos and Jean-Pierre Changeux

Adrien Doerig

Cyriel Pennartz

Catherine Tallon-Baudry

Catherine Tallon-Baudry

Naotsugu Tsuchiya.

wolf singer's solution to the meta-problem

Rodolfo Llinás

Rodolfo Llinás

Matthew Crosby

Ned Block, Catherine Tallon-Baudry, Claudia Passos, Johan Frederik Storm and David Chalmers

Melanie Wilke and Catherine Tallon-Baudry

Rodolfo Llinás, Johan Frederik Storm and Mavi Sanchez Vives

Kathinka Evers

Naotsugu Tsuchiya and Ned Block

Melanie Wilke

Johan Frederik Storm, Karl Friston and Larissa Albantakis

Rodolfo Llinás, Wolf Singer, Alain Destexhe and Mavi Sanchez Vives

Emery Brown, Karl Friston, Johan Frederik Storm

this could be the start of a beautiful friendship

Alain Destexhe

Karl Friston

Karl Friston

Jean-Pierre Changeux

Cyriel Pennartz

Jean-Pierre Changeux

Cyriel Pennartz

Johan Frederik Storm, Wolf Singer

Rodolfo Llinás and Jean-Pierre Changeux

Olivia Gosseries

Nicholas D. Schiff

Cyriel Pennartz, Steven Laureys and Kathinka Evers

Melanie Wilke

Olaf Blanke

Olivia Gosseries, Emery Brown, Melanie Wilke, Nicholas D. Schiff and Olaf Blanke

Johan Frederik Storm and Melanie Wilke

Kathinka Evers

steven laureys with volunteer patient

Steven Laureys

group photo

Johan Frederik Storm

David Chalmers, Mavi Sanchez Vives, Cyriel Pennartz, Claudia Passos, Mel J. Slater and Johan Frederik Storm

Mel J. Slater

Mavi Sanches Vives and Mel slater

sagrada familia

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