First bridge -- the Reichsbahnbrücke
One down, six to go!
Walking to second bridge -- Karina thinks am crazy at this point, says we should drive, I say that's breaking the rules!
Anzhalika Dubasava and Karina Baral at bridge #2 (new version of the old Grüne Brücke)
Two down, five to go!
K&A on bridge #3 -- new version of the old Krämerbrucke
Three down!
En route to bridge #4, passing the cathedral
On bridge #4 -- the Holzbrücke (one of the almost-originals)
Four down!
Trekking down the Pregel to bridge #5
En route to #5 -- the area getting a bit seedy at this point
A&K crossing #5 -- the old Hohebrucke
Five down! (I think Karina is phoning the authorities.)
Approaching bridge #6
A&K at bridge #6 -- the new Kaiserbrücke (one of two bridges in locations that had no bridge in Euler's time, along with bridge #1)
Six down!
Food break before the final push -- people getting hungry and thirsty
On bridge #7 -- the old Honigsbrücke (Honey bridge)
Did the impossible!
The seven bridges team
Kant's grave (on the island not far from the Honey bridge, at the culmination of the route)
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