Photos from the 10-year anniversary SPAWN consciousness conference in Syracuse, July 2015.

Geoff Lee and Fiona Macpherson

Claudia and Janice Dowell

XX, Bob van Gulick and Lorenza D'Angelo

Applause after Sydney Shoemaker's talk

Audience poll at the after-dinner talk. Up = nonreductionist, in = internalist, rich = consciousness outside attention, many = flies are conscious, chair = armchair methodology

After-dinner panel

Bob van Gulick, Claudia, Joe Levine, and Philip Goff

Ned Block on the future of the field

Martinis in memory of Fred Dretske

Andrew Lee and David Bourget

Fiona Macpherson and Michael Tye, ten years on

Farid Masrour and Pete Langland-Hassan, ten years on

Bill Lycan, ten years on

Ned and Philip

Supreme court of junior philosophers of consciousness

Eight issues for the philosophy of consciousness


Washu associates (Ned is photobombing)

Carla, Emma Bullock and Philip

John, Peter and Elizabeth

Janice Dowell, David Sobel, and Ella

David Bourget, Angela Mendelovici, and Eleni

Elizabeth Schechter, Helen and Richard Yetter-Chappell

Carla and Angela

Jesse Prinz and José Bermúdez

Three generations of Bourvicis

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