Photos from around the web

  • A picture of me at 16 (next to Paul Erdos)
  • Sue Blackmore's photos and animation of my hair catching fire
  • Jim Laukes' photos from Tucson III (and also here)
  • Photos from a Tucson workshop on First-Person Methods
  • A picture of me as Hamlet (and an interview).
  • Alexei Samsonovich's photos from a conference in Flagstaff
  • Someone's photos from the End of Consciousness party at my house after the Tucson 2000 conference.
  • Videos (here, here, and here) of three Closer to Truth TV discussions of consciousness (with me, John Searle, etc).
  • Video of my talk at an NIH symposium, plus discussion with Christof Koch, Allen Hobson, and Pat Churchland
  • Go to: