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Search results for 'blackmore'

Doug Hofstadter and Sue Blackmore (from Tucson 2006 photos)

Petra Stoerig and Sue Blackmore (from ASSC8 photos)

On Conscientzplatz (foreground: Sue Blackmore, Uriah Kriegel; Bob van Gulick, Dan Lloyd, Michael Beaton) (from ASSC8 photos)

With Sue Blackmore (from Tucson 2004 photos)

The Heterophenomenology Trio: Van Youngman, Dan Dennett, Sue Blackmore (from Tucson 2004 photos)

Sue Blackmore and Bernie Baars (from Tucson 2004 photos)

Sue Blackmore and Robert Miller (from Tucson 2002 photos)

Eric Dietrich and Sue Blackmore (from Banbury workshop photos)

Animation of the above, courtesy of Sue Blackmore (who took the photos) (from Party photos)

Animation of the above, courtesy of Sue Blackmore (who took the photos) (from Party photos)