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- Website history
- Old home page [2017 version]
- Bibliography of the philosophy of mind [2005 version]
- Online discussions of my work [2005 version]
- People with online papers in philosophy [2010 version]
- Responses to discussion of my work [2005 version]
- Books
- The Conscious Mind
- Full table of contents
- Introduction
- Jacket copy
- Reviews
- Response to reviews: Mulhauser, Papineau, Searle and Searle follow-up
- The Character of Consciousness
- Constructing the World
- Extended Edition
- Cosmoscope
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Scrutability and the Aufbau
- First Excursus: Scrutability and Knowability
- Second Excursus: The Inscrutability of Reference and the Scrutability of Truth
- Fourth Excursus: Warrants and Support Structures
- Fifth Excursus: Insulated Idealization and the Problem of Self-Doubt
- Seventh Excursus: Varieties of Apriority
- Eighth Excursus: Recent Challenges to the A Priori
- Tenth Excursus: Constructing Epistemic Space
- Twelfth Excursus: Scrutability and the Unity of Science
- Fourteenth Excursus: Epistemic Rigidity and Super-Rigidity
- Eighteenth Excursus: Conceptual Analysis and Ordinary Language Philosophy
- Nineteenth Excursus: Inferentialism and Analyticity
- Twentieth Excursus: Reference Magnets and the Grounds of Intentionality
- Twenty-First Excursus: Twin-Earthability and Internalism
- Glossary
- Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings
- Metametaphysics
- Explaining Consciousness: The Hard Problem
- The Conscious Mind
- Papers
- All Papers by Date
- AI and Computation
- The Singularity: A Philosophical Analysis (2010)
- The Singularity: A Reply (2012)
- Mind Uploading: A Philosophical Analysis (2014)
- Minds, Machines, and Mathematics (1995)
- The Matrix as Metaphysics (2003)
- The Virtual and the Real (2017)
- A Computational Foundation for the Study of Cognition (1994/2011)
- The Varieties of Computation: A Reply (2012)
- Does A Rock Implement Every Finite-State Automaton? (1996)
- On Implementing a Computation (1994)
- High-Level Perception, Analogy, and Representation: A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Methodology (1992)
- Syntactic Transformations on Distributed Representations (1990)
- Connectionism and Compositionality: Why Fodor and Pylyshyn Were Wrong (1993)
- The Evolution of Learning: An Experiment in Genetic Connectionism (1990)
- Subsymbolic Computation and the Chinese Room (1991)
- The Extended Mind (1998)
- Foreword to Andy Clark’s Supersizing the Mind (2008)
- Extended Cognition and Extended Consciousness (2018)
- Early Drafts of “The Extended Mind” (1995)
- Consciousness
- Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness (1995)
- Moving Forward on the Problem of Consciousness (1997)
- The Puzzle of Conscious Experience (1995)
- Consciousness and Cognition (1994)
- Consciousness and its Place in Nature (2002)
- Panpsychism and Panprotopsychism (2013)
- The Combination Problem for Panpsychism (2017)
- Idealism and the Mind-Body Problem (2017)
- How Can We Construct a Science of Consciousness? (2004)
- On the Search for the Neural Correlate of Consciousness (1998)
- What is a Neural Correlate of Consciousness? (2000)
- First-Person Methods in the Science of Consciousness (1999)
- The Representational Character of Experience (2004)
- Perception and the Fall from Eden (2006)
- The Contents of Consciousness: Reply to Hellie, Peacocke, and Siegel (2013)
- The Content and Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief (2003)
- Phenomenal Concepts and the Knowledge Argument (2004)
- Phenomenal Concepts and the Explanatory Gap (2006)
- What is the Unity of Consciousness? (2003)
- Absent Qualia, Fading Qualia, Dancing Qualia” (1995)
- Imagination, Indexicality, and Intensions (2004)
- Availability: The Cognitive Basis of Experience? (1995)
- Self-Ascription Without Qualia: A Case-Study (1993)
- Review of Journal of Consciousness Studies (1994)
- Epistemology and Decision Theory
- Actuality and Knowability (2011)
- Revisability and Conceptual Change in “Two Dogmas of Empiricism” (2011)
- Frege’s Puzzle and the Objects of Credence (2011)
- The Nature of Epistemic Space (2010)
- Ramsey + Moore = God (2011)
- Structuralism as a Response to Skepticism (2017)
- The Matrix as Metaphysics (2003)
- The Content and Epistemology of Phenomenal Belief (2003)
- Does Conceivability Entail Possibility? (2002)
- Warrants and Support Structures (2010)
- Insulated Idealization and the Problem of Self-Doubt (2010)
- Varieties of Apriority (2010)
- Recent Challenges to the A Priori (2010)
- Constructing Epistemic Space (2010)
- The Two-Envelope Paradox: A Complete Analysis? (1994)
- The St. Petersburg Two-Envelope Paradox (2001)
- Meaning and Content
- Two-Dimensional Semantics (2006)
- On Sense and Intension (2001)
- The Foundations of Two-Dimensional Semantics (2006)
- Two-Dimensional Semantics and the Nesting Problem (2014)
- The Tyranny of the Subjunctive (1998)
- Epistemic Rigidity and Super-Rigidity (2010)
- The Components of Content (1995/2002)
- The Nature of Epistemic Space (2010)
- Frege’s Puzzles and the Objects of Credence (2011)
- Inferentialism and Analyticity (2010)
- Reference Magnets and the Grounds of Intentionality (2010)
- Is There Synonymy in Ockham’s Mental Language? (1999)
- Revisability and Conceptual Change in ‘Two Dogmas of Empiricism’
- Verbal Disputes
- Twin-Earthability and Internalism
- Modality and Metaphysics
- The Nature of Epistemic Space
- Does Conceivability Entail Possibility?
- Actuality and Knowability
- The Two-Dimensional Argument Against Materialism (2009)
- Strong Necessities and the Mind-Body Problem (2014)
- Conceptual Analysis and Reductive Explanation (2001)
- Materialism and the Metaphysics of Modality (1999)
- Ontological Anti-Realism (2009)
- The Matrix as Metaphysics (2003)
- The Virtual and the Real (2017)
- Metaphilosophy
- Very Old Papers
- Consciousness: The First-Person and Third-Person Views
- Mind, Pattern, and Information
- The First-Person and Third-Person Views
- Consciousness and Cognition
- Consciousness: The First-Person and Third-Person Views
- A Taxonomy of Cognitive Jokes
- On Spaghetti-Sorters and the Powers of Analog Computation
- How Cartesian Dualism Might Have Been True
- Connectionist Representation and Deep Systematicity
- Determining the Moment of Consciousness?
- What is it Like to be a Thermostat?
- "Pick a number between zero and infinity"
- Is the Continuum Hypothesis true, false, or neither?
- Thoughts on emergence
- Does a rock implement every FSA? (draft)
- Does a rock implement every FSA? (final)
- Realms of cognitive science
- Presentations
- Acquaintance, Concepts, and the Knowledge Argument (APA comments on Alex Byrne and Michael Tye, 2008)
- Attention First? Consciousness First? (wrap-up at Attention and Consciousness, 2009)
- Consciousness and the Collapse of the Wave Function (talk at Oslo and elsewhere, August 2013)
- The Critique of Pure Thought (wrap-up at Consciousness and Thought, 2008)
- The Hard Problem of Consciousness: 300 Years on (lecture in Moscow, June 2016)
- Hey Joe: Comments on Levine’s Purple Haze (APA book symposium commentary, 2004)
- HOT Strikes Back (comments on Hakwan Lau at Action Perception and Consciousness, 2009)
- Integrated Information Theory: Some Philosophical Issues (Philosophical Issues in IIT, November 2015)
- Introspection for Great Apes (wrap-up at Introspection and Consciousness, 2008)
- Is There Consciousness Outside Attention? (comments on Jesse Prinz, SPAWN 2006)
- R&R: The Relational and Representational Character of Experience (wrapup at Representationalism and Relationism, 2008)
- Reflections on Phenomenal Concepts (wrap-up talk at Rio conference on phenomenal concepts, January 2013)
- Reflexivity vs. Transparency in the Study of Consciousness (ANU workshop on Reflexive Theories of Consciousness, July 2016)
- The Varieties of Self-Awareness (wrap-up at Self and Consciousness, 2009)
- Concepts and the Scrutability of Truth (Concepts and the A Priori, Konstanz, 2004)
- Could Hesperus Have Failed to be Phosphorus? (Yablofest, ANU, July 2016)
- The Deeply Contingent A Priori (ANU, July 2003)
- Hyperintensionality and Impossible Worlds (introduction to Hyperintensionality, 2008)
- Kripke and Two-Dimensionalism (Kripke’s CUNY seminar on Naming and Necessity, May 2016)
- Kripke on Frege on Sense and Reference (CUNY Kripke conference, 2011)
- The Nonmodal Conception of Propositional Apriority (Aberdeen Apriority conference, 2012)
- Philosophical Arguments from Ordinary Language (St. Andrews conference on language and philosophy, June 2011)
- Primitive Concepts (ANU workshop on Concepts and Conceptual Analysis, 2005)
- Semantic Pluralism (Konstanz workshop on semantic pluralism, January 2015)
- Two-Dimensionalism and Inferentialism (Cologne conference on Conceptual Analysis and Two-Dimensionalism)
- Contingentism in Metaphysics (wrap-up at Contingentism, 2008)
- Grounding and Analyticity (Birmingham conference on grounding and consciousness, June 2016)
- Grounding and Emergence (wrap-up at grounding and emergence conference, Glasgow June 2015)
- Lewis’s Aufbau, (Pacific APA, April 2011)
- Two Concepts of Metaphysical Possibility (AAP and elsewhere, July 2013)
- 65,536 Varieties of Physicalism (wrap-up at Formulating Physicalism, 2005)
- The Externalist and the Structuralist Responses to Skepticism (Bled conference on epistemology and philosophy of mind, 2015)
- Finding Space in a Nonspatial World, (talk at ANU and elsewhere, June 2014)
- Fundamentality Structuralism (AAP and elsewhere, July 2014)
- Perception and Skepticism: From Eden to the Matrix (Riga conference on Perception and Concepts, June 2013)
- Revelation, Humility, and the Structure of the World (ANU workshop on Revelation and Humility, 2005)
- Spatial Illusions: From Mirrors to Virtual Reality (talk at Tubingen and elsewhere, January 2015)
- Structuralism and the Limits of Skepticism (talk in Paris and elsewhere, June 2015)
- From the Aufbau to the Canberra Plan (AAP Presidential Address, 2007)
- Moral Relativism and Conceptual Analysis (Sydney conference on Norms and Analysis, 2006)
- What can Experimental Philosophy Do? (talk at NEH Institute on Experimental Philosophy, 2009)
- X-Phi Meets A-Phi (wrap-up at Experimental Philosophy Meets Conceptual Analysis, 2007)
- Multimedia
- Press
- Text Interviews
- Video: Conversations
- Video: Documentaries
- Video: Interviews
- Video: Lectures
- Video: Performance
- Photo Gallery
- NYC Philosophy of Mind (Brooklyn, August 2017)
- Russellian Monism (Budapest, August 2017)
- Grounding and Consciousness (Florence, August 2017)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Adelaide, July 2017)
- Idealism and the Mind-Body Problem (Shanghai, June 2017)
- Consciousness and Semantic Externalism (NYU, May 2017)
- Brian Loar Book Launch (NYC, May 2017)
- Structural Realism and Metaphysics (Rutgers, May 2017)
- Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (Savannah, March 2017)
- Metaphysics on the Mountain (Sun Valley, March 2017)
- Inaugural Lecture (NYU, December 2016)
- Berggruen Prize Dinner (New York, December 2016)
- Ethics of AI (NYU, October 2016)
- Physics of the Observer (Banff, August 2016)
- Yablanger Fest (ANU, July 2016)
- Reflexive Theories of Consciousness (ANU, July 2016)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Melbourne, July 2016)
- Grounding and Consciousness (Birmingham, June 2016)
- Moscow Consciousness (Moscow, June 2016)
- Petrus Hispanus Lectures (Lisbon, June 2016)
- Metaphysics after Carnap (Leeds, April 2016)
- Tucson 2016 (Tucson, April 2016)
- Ranch Metaphysics (Tucson, January 2016)
- Opening of The Hard Problem (Philadelphia, January 2016)
- Is the Brain Bayesian? (NYU, December 2015)
- SPAWN Consciousness Conference (Syracuse, August 2015)
- NYC Philosophy of Mind (Barnard, July 2015)
- ASSC 2015 (Paris, July 2015)
- Finding Space (Paris, June 2015)
- Jean Nicod Lectures (Paris, June 2015)
- The Return of Consciousness (Avesta, June 2015)
- Toward a Science of Consciousness (Helsinki, June 2015)
- Epistemology meets Philosophy of Mind (Bled, June 2015)
- The First-Person Perspective (Athens, May 2015)
- Emergence and Grounding (Glasgow, May 2015)
- Equality and Diversity in Professional Philosophy (Oxford, May 2015)
- Verbal Disputes (Oxford, May 2015)
- ASSC 2014 (Brisbane, July 2014)
- Consciousness Cruise (Greenland, June 2014)
- Gottingen Colloquium (Gottingen, May 2014)
- Consciousness and Intentionality (Mississippi, May 2014)
- Tucson 2014 (Tucson, April 2014)
- Intentionality at the Beach (Kioloa, July 2013)
- The A Priori (Florence, June 2013)
- Reference and Frege Puzzles (Umea, May 2013)
- Constructing the World (Bonn, May 2013)
- Perception and Concepts (Riga, May 2013)
- Metaphysics on the Ranch (Tucson, February 2013)
- Phenomenal Concepts (Rio de Janiero, January 2013)
- Panpsychism on the Reef (Lady Elliot Island, July 2012)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Wollongong, July 2012)
- Carolina Metaphysics Workshop (Outer Banks, June 2012)
- Russian Cognitive Science Conference (Kaliningrad, June 2012)
- A Priori Knowledge (Aberdeen, June 2012)
- Phenomenology and Intentionality (Crete, June 2012)
- Minds, Bodies, and Problems (Ankara, June 2012)
- Analytic and Buddhist Approaches to Consciousness (Charleston, May 2012)
- Tucson 2012 (Tucson, April 2012)
- Philosophical Progress (Harvard, October 2011)
- Kripke conference (CUNY, October 2011)
- Mind and Language Seminar (NYU, fall 2011)
- Consciousness at the Beach (Kioloa, July 2011)
- Panpsychism and Emergence (Munich, June 2011)
- Conceptual Analysis and Two-Dimensionalism (Cologne, June 2011)
- Epistemology of Philosophy (Cologne, June 2011)
- Language and Philosophy (NYU, St. Andrews, June 2011)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Sydney, July 2010)
- Carolina Metaphysics Workshop (Outer Banks, June 2010)
- John Locke Lectures (Oxford, May-June 2010)
- Tucson 2010 (Tucson, April 2010)
- From Experience to Thought (Delhi, January 2010)
- Action, Perception, and Consciousness (NYU, October 2009)
- Singularity Summit (New York, October 2009)
- Experimental Philosophy (Salt Lake City, July 2009)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Melbourne, July 2009)
- Attention and Consciousness (ANU, June 2009)
- Toward a Science of Consciousness (Hong Kong, June 2009)
- Consciousness and the Self (Fullerton, April 2009)
- Philosophical Methodology (St. Andrews, April 2009)
- Consciousness and Thought (Dubrovnik, August 2008)
- European Congress of Analytic Philosophy (Krakow, August 2008)
- SPAWN Perception Conference (Syracuse, August 2008)
- Reduction and Elimination (Kirchberg, August 2008)
- World Congress of Philosophy (Seoul, August 2008)
- Jack Smart Lecture (ANU, July 2008)
- Perceptual Experience (ANU, July 2008)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Melbourne, July 2008)
- Happiness and its Causes (Sydney, May 2008)
- Tucson 2008 (Tucson, April 2008)
- Expressivism, Pragmatism, and Representationalism (Sydney, August 2007)
- Experimental Philosophy Meets Conceptual Analysis (ANU, July 2007)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Armidale, July 2007)
- Norms and Analysis (Sydney, June 2007)
- Why Formal Epistemology? (Oklahoma, April 2007)
- Consciousness at the Beach (Kioloa, February 2007)
- Arizona Ontology Conference (Tucson, January 2007)
- Brains, Persons, and Society (Milan, September 2006)
- German Analytic Philosophy (Berlin, September 2006)
- Summer School in Philosophy (Cologne, September 2006)
- Consciousness at the Beach (Kioloa, August 2006)
- Time and Consciousness (Sydney, July 2006)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (ANU, July 2006)
- Tucson 2006 (Tucson, April 2006)
- Probability (ANU, March 2006)
- New Zealand AAP (Dunedin, December 2005)
- SPAWN Consciousness Conference (Syracuse, July 2005)
- Philosophical Methodology (ANU, July 2005)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Sydney, July 2005)
- Metametaphysics (ANU, June 2005)
- Physicalism (Bowling Green, April 2005)
- Self-Representational Approaches to Consciousness (Tucson, March 2005)
- Concepts and Conceptual Analysis (ANU, February 2005)
- The Extended Mind (Sydney, November 2004)
- Mental Causation (Macquarie, September 2004)
- Society for Philosophy and Psychology (Barcelona, July 2004)
- ASSC 8 (Antwerp, June 2004)
- Consciousness and Intentionality (Florence, June 2004)
- Concepts and the A Priori (Konstanz, June 2004)
- Knowledge and Skepticism (Idaho, May 2004)
- Tucson 2004 (Tucson, April 2004)
- Concepts and Content (Santa Barbara, February 2004)
- Modality (St. Andrews, November 2003)
- Ontology of Color (Fribourg, November 2003)
- Necessity (Portland, October 2003)
- Common Minds (ANU, July 2003)
- Cognitive Science (Sydney, July 2003)
- Australasian Association of Philosophy (Adelaide, July 2003)
- Philosophy of Language (ANU, June 2003)
- Language, Mind, and World (Buenos Aires, May 2003)
- Consciousness symposium (Rio de Janiero, May 2003)
- Metaphysical Mayhem (Syracuse, August 2002)
- Emergence workshop (Granada, August 2002)
- NEH Summer Institute (Santa Cruz, summer 2002)
- ASSC 6 (Barcelona, June 2002)
- Tucson 2002 (Tucson, April 2002)
- Two-Dimensionalism (ANU, February 2002)
- David Lewis memorial (Princeton, February 2002)
- Consciousness symposium (Cornell, January 2002)
- Metaphysics of Mind (Veracruz, December 2001)
- Keith Lehrer celebration (Tucson, October 2001)
- Metaphysics of Human Beings (Syracuse, July 2001)
- Two-Dimensionalism (Barcelona, June 2001)
- ASSC 5 (Duke, May 2001)
- Machine Consciousness (Long Island, May 2001)
- Language, Mind, and World (Tlaxcala, March 2001)
- Alvin Goldman conference (Tucson, February 2001)
- Tucson consciousness conference (April 1996)
- My family
- Chalmers family takes Manhattan
- Dad’s French Order of Merit
- Travels with Claudia
- New York City photos
- NYC people
- NYU philosophy
- Hudson valley
- Old photos from Santa Cruz
- Tucson hiking
- Desert life
- Arizona people
- ANU pics
- New Zealand photos
- Bourvici wedding
- Crossing the seven bridges of Konigsberg
- Rio Olympics
- Travel snaps
- Friends around the world
- Parties
- Resources
- Australasian Philosophy Family Tree
- Guide to the Philosophy of Mind
- Guidelines for Respectful Discussion
- Philosophical Humor
- Proofs that P
- More proofs that P
- Still more proofs that P
- Non-philosopher’s guide to philosophical terms
- Philosophy in words of one syllable
- Why no-one wants to play golf with a philosopher
- A universal philosophical refutation
- Philosophy light-bulb jokes
- A Descartes joke
- Sensual guide to departments
- Math/physics/philosophy joke
- The philosopher’s date
- Husserl parody
- Jerry Springer on philosophy
- A fragment of a lost Platonic dialogue
- Philosophical Clerihews (and more)
- I gave my love an emerose
- Diamonds are a girl’s best friend
- Nominalist things
- I also dated Zarathustra
- Self-referential story
- The philosophical truth about cats and dogs
- Everything is equally interesting
- Philosofighter
- Zombies on the web
- Philosophical Weblogs
- Zombies on the Web
- Activities
- Blog
- Events
- NEH Institute on Consciousness and Intentionality (Santa Cruz, June-August 2002)
- Panpsychism on the Reef (Lady Elliot Island, July 2012)
- Organizations
- Students and Postdocs
- Teaching
- Minds and Machines (spring 2016)
- Constructing the World (fall 2009)
- Philosophical Perspectives on the Individual (spring 2003)
- Meaning, Reason, and Possibility (spring 2002)
- Foundational Issues in the Science of Consciousness (fall 1999)
- Philosophical Perspectives on the Individual (fall 1999)
- Mind and Modality (spring 1999)
- Paradoxes and Dilemmas (fall 1998)